Sunday, 13 March 2016

One of my friend was telling some bitter and pondering facts to me today. I laughed but these points were very true.
The country we are surviving is not a democratic country, it is a mobocratic and plutocratic country, power in form of weapons play the whole game in this country.
further more, he was telling me that we are living in a country where ambulance and police mobiles are slower than a pizza delivering motor bike: in leau of police, fire brigade, ambulance and 1122 person who delivers pizza reaches faster.
Our country is so peculiar that we find very easy loans for purchasing cars, motor bike and buildings but loans for Education are very difficult. we can find our basic necessities costly in this country rather we can get other things easily: the prices of cooking oil, meat, rice, cloths etc are very high while a mobile SIM is free of cost, so ironic.
The system seems contrary to me, because a branded shoes and cloths are oriented in a shop with beautiful air conditioned show room while meat and vegetables are cluttered in the footpath or roads.
Finally and most derogatory thing is people with MA, MBA, MSC degree are rambling in the roads while illiterates are overriding them in the form of MNA's and MPA's.   


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