Tuesday, 4 November 2014

in islamic countries, pakistan in particular, why leaders and stakeholders can't manage a fix direction to educational system and educational syllabus? why there is a big discrepancy regarding male and female education? why female segment hardly reach their masters degree or complete their formal education? why parents and guardians can't send their daughters to schools?
the answers to all above questions are not easy, there are several reasons.
Let me tell a brief explanation for the questions
science is by nature a liberal education but in pakistan, so-called religious priest have compelled the naive people to achieve this education by remaining in the premises of islamic tenets. for god sake how can it be possible? 
education is a continuous process, it provides intellectual approach to ponder on the economic,social and cultural happening in and abroad the country. it is responsibility of state to provide research base education to its people rather than memorizing things (Rata-in urdu).
In pakistan, our educational systems take exams of people memorization power(Rata) not ability.
secondly, pakistan is facing a big problem of polarization in its educational system. one side is liberal and another is religious. these two minds repel each other and hence, complete modern education is flourishing nor complete religious education. 
next difficult obstruction is the dual educational system. I will not exaggerate this point. to be more simple, there are divisions of schools in pakistan: good and costly schools for elite class where normal and poor citizens can't send their children, and miserable schools for poors.
this gap needs to be annihilated as soon as possible otherwise, people will suffer a lot. 


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